Benefits From Mindfulness Practices
Useful Mindfulness Practices
Cultivating Kindly Or Positive Emotion - towards ourselves or others (even our enemies) can help prevent clinging to negative emotions like fear, doubt, anger or revenge.
Focusing In On Our Breath - is grounding/calming for the mind. When we're grounded we make better decisions. We gain clarity, perspective and a feeling of manageability.
Paying Attention To Bodily sensations - helps us to identify our feelings and emotions early on. With this awareness we can actively choose how next to act.
Practicing Acceptance - releases us from the tendency to criticise or want situations or people to be different than they are. Acceptance does not mean becoming a doormat or tolerating abuse. Our values, dignity and integrity are in fact more likely to be maintained.
Developing Gratitude - we create a mental or written list of what we're grateful for. This might include friends, family or material things. This produces a warm, expansive and positive state of mind. Turning our minds attention in this way can be a helpful antidote to the suffering associated with the demands of modern life, to-do-lists and technology - bringing us back into the present moment.